The sensitivity of infiltration coefficient to water table perturbations is higher than that of specific yield. 对水头摄动量影响的灵敏度,两个随机参数中渗透系数较大,给水度较小。
So what is the value to the company beyond the results that specific projects yield? 如此什麽是价值对公司在具体项目产生的结果之外?
The Determination of Specific Yield by Using the Method of Zero Flux Plain ( ZFP) in Original Position 冰钓时尚CRAZY零度疯狂零通量方法原位测定给水度
In this pater, the measuring and estimating methods of frequently used parameters ( such as specific yield, coefficient of recharge from precipitation and coefficient of phreatic evapolration) in shallow groundwater resources assessment are described and it is dissected by practical examples. 叙述了浅层地下水资源评价中几个常用参数(给水度、降雨入渗补给系数和潜水蒸发系数)的测定和估计方法,并结合实例进行剖析。
For the specific yield surface problem of Bingham fluid, the yield characteristics of Bingham and ER fluid flow in journal bearings with infinite length are analyzed. 针对宾汉流体所特有的屈服面问题,分析了无限宽径向滑动轴承中宾汉流体和电流变流体的屈服特性。
Then, with condition, extremum and Lagrange function aim at under specific yield to make risk reach minimum economic proposition to establish model. And combine example, calculate using MATLAB software and reach investment proportion. 然后,运用条件极值和拉格朗日函数,针对在特定收益率下使风险达到最小的经济命题建立模型,并结合实例,利用MATLAB软件加以计算,得出最佳投资比例。
An approximate method is given for computing the specific yield under steady-state flow and it is available for reference in practice. 文中提出的按稳定流态计算完全给水度的近似方法,可供使用中参考。
The study on factors effecting the evaporation of soil shows that the relative moisture, vapor pressure difference and radiation are major factors. They always connected water with their attitude. Study on the Relation between Specific Yield and Saturation Deficiency 同时,对影响土壤蒸发的外界因素进行了分析。结果显示,气象因素中相对湿度、饱和水气压差和辐射同土壤蒸发有着密切的关系,在P
Specific Yield Concepts and Laws on the Generalized Specific Yield Variation 给水度概念和广义给水度变化规律的初步分析
Exploring the determined method of specific yield of aquifer 含水层给水度的确定方法探讨
Study on Measurement Method of Specific Yield 给水度测定方法研究
On the variation of specific yield in response to uniform fall of water table in stratified porous media 地下水位匀速下降条件下层状非均质多孔介质给水度的初步研究
The simplified formula takes into account of the factors, such as permeability coefficient, velocity of fluctuation, specific yield, aquifer thickness, water level amplitude variation and rainfall intensity. 该公式考虑了渗透系数、升降速度、给水度、含水层厚度、水位变幅及降雨强度的影响。
Variations mechanism and experimental analysis of specific yield 给水度的变化机理及其试验分析
Specific yield is one of the important parameters in mine hydrogeology. 给水度是矿井水文地质中的重要参数。
According to the studies of the mechanism of water released from saturated layered soils, a new method is suggested to determine the specific yield of layered soils, based on experiments done in laboratory. 本文通过分析层状土释水机制,结合室内外实验,提出了一种确定层状土给水度的新方法。
On the validity of Boulton and Newman's analytic model in the solution of specific yield of coarse-grained unconfined aquifer A NEW METHOD OF DETERMINING THE SPECIFIC YIELD OF LAYERED SOILS IN SHALLOW LAYER UNDER SURFACE 在粗粒无压含水层给水度的求解中解析方法适用性的探讨确定浅部层状土给水度的一种新方法
This article introduces a method for determining hydrogeological parameters such as the field capacity in zone of aeration and the specific yield in aquifer where water content is varied. 本文介绍利用中子仪测定水文地质参数包气带田间持水量和含水层变幅带给水度的原理与方法。
Through outdoor practice, the method measuring specific retention and specific yield in unsaturated zone using the neutron moisture meter is summarized, which is of directness, simpleness, accurateness and worthy of being popularized. 本文通过野外实践,总结了中子测水技术测定非饱和带持水度和给水度的方法,该方法直接、简单、准确,具有推广价值。
Study on the Relation between Specific Yield and Saturation Deficiency 给水度与饱和差关系的初步研究
The conclusions are drawn that saturation deficiency is generally greater than specific yield and smaller than porosity and that only when the moisture content in the rock soil volume is equal to specific retention, saturation deficiency is equal to specific yield; 得出了饱和差通常是大于给水度而小于孔隙度,以及只有在岩土体积含水率达到持水度时饱和差与给水度才相等的结论;
A new method of determining the specific yield of layered soils in shallow layer under surface 确定浅部层状土给水度的一种新方法
Determination of the specific yield of groundwater using electrical logging method 利用电测井法测定地下水的给水度
Application of Gauss-Newton Method to Determining Specific Yield 用高斯-牛顿法确定给水度
The results indicate that the model is relatively sensitive to the specific yield and the hydraulic conductance of general head boundary, which provides the scientific basis for the investigation of riverside well field and improves the precision of groundwater resource evaluation. 结果表明,模型对含水层的给水度和模型边界的水力传导系数比较敏感,从而为傍河水源地的水文地质勘察工作布置提供科学依据,进而提高地下水资源评价结果的精度。
Study on rational determination of specific yield in aquifer of loess area 黄土含水层给水度合理取值的研究
Through theoretical analysis, the differences in the basic concept between specific yield and saturation deficiency are specified; 通过对给水度与饱和差的理论分析,明确了给水度与饱和差在基本概念上的差别;
Then the effect of nutriment on kinetic parameter of butyric yield from blue algae fermentation was discussed, the result showed that: adding appropriate amount of four kinds of nutrients all can raise the butyric yield and maximum specific butyric yield speed. 考察各种添加营养物对混合细菌发酵产丁酸的动力学参数的影响,结果表明:添加适量的四种营养物均可提高蓝藻发酵的产丁酸量和最大比产丁酸速率。
The model is more sensitive to specific yield and recharge than hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient. 此外,灵敏度分析结果表明,与渗透系数、储水系数相比,模型对给水和度、降水入渗补给系数较敏感。